Turn your passion for freediving into a profession. This instructor course is for the avid freediver who spends a lot of time practicing freediving. Becoming a PADI freediver instructor lets you take your passion for freediving to the next level and allows you to do what you enjoy as a profession.
To enroll in the PADI freediver instructor training course you have to be  at least 18 years old, have a PADI Master freediver certification ( or equivalent cert.) , be a current EFR instructor ( or equivalent ) and present a medical statement signed by a doctor within 12 months. 
Note that PADI Open Water SCUBA Instructors who have a PADI Advanced freediver certification and are current EFR instructors and present a medical can enroll in the PADI freediver instructor training course.
In the PADI freediver instructor training course over a minimum of four days, during both classroom and inwater sessions you will cover these key topics:
*Standards and procedures
*Learning and instruction
*Freediving physiology and psychology
*Organizing and marketing freediving
*Care for the enviroment
Confined water training:  ( 3 sessions )
*Teaching skills and supervising freedivers in confined water
*Make static apnea of at least 2 minutes and 30 seconds
*Make dynamic apnea of at least 50 meters
Open water training: (3 sessions )
*Teaching skills and supervising freedivers in open water
*Make constant weight freedive to at least 20 meters
*Perform the rescue of a blacked out freediver from 15 meters underwater

If you are a freediver instructor from another organization ,you can  crossover to PADI with just an instructor orientation. This takes minimum four hours to complete and focuses on PADI standards and procedures.

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